Research Program

The Geneva Institute for Wealth Management (GIWM) is a non–profit foundation promoting international research and knowledge transfer in wealth management. Created by the University of Geneva and Geneva Financial Center in 2016, the foundation participates in the development of the Swiss financial center as an hub of excellence in wealth management.
GIWM provides financial support for academic research project with expected impact in the field of wealth management. Grants are made directly to the researchers. Completed research projects are expected to be presented at the yearly GIWM research workshop.
Support of a research project by GIWM does not in any way preclude subsequent publication of the paper in a journal of the researcher's choice, provided adequate acknowledgement for the financial support by GIWM is included.
The Research program is under the supervision of the head of research at GIWM, Prof. Tony Berrada (University of Geneva) and of the scientific council of the GIWM composed of Prof. Bruno Biais (Toulouse School of Economics), Prof. Peter Bossaerts (University of Cambridge), Prof. Jerome Detemple (Boston University), and Prof. Andrew Lo (MIT).